Quotes must be original -- eg. no quoting someone quoting Mark Twain. When in doubt, Google.
You must credit quotes by linking the LJ post where you found 'em and the username of the quotee. ("Even 'Friends Only' posts?" Yes.)
If you do quote from a locked/private entry, ask for permission. Let us know you got permission by adding "QWP" to your post. Public posts/comments don't need it. Quoting locked posts without permission is a bannable offense.
Keep 'em short -- if we have to click the scroll bar, it's too long. See LJ-Cut.
General consensus: quoting yourself is lame. So there's another com for that. (Asking to be metaquoted? Dorktastic.)
You've got 100 characters to set-up, comment on, or explain your quote if you really have to. That's the allowed length of a title slot, in case you need a shortcut.
Namecalling makes you a bunchypantstupidhead. Just don't.
Yes, we make exceptions for JournalFen funnies. Cope.
Humorless whining about quotes you don't like is boring. Don't. However, feel free to mockity mock mock away.
Breaking these rules will result in A) deletion or B) merciless mockery.
Mods' Note: Yes, we may delete off-topic, unfunny, or rule-breaking posts, and we may ban users who can't follow the rules or who repeatedly give us grief. However, we may also make exceptions, because this is a fun com and we're nice that way. Also- there's mod posts with stuff maybe not covered here.